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Welcome to the 14th Bromley


Beavers logo

The 14th Bromley Scout Group offers an exciting and safe environment for young people to grow learn and develop lasting friendships. Our programs are designed to cater to all groups from traditional scouting activities to new and challenging games that engage young minds.

Our Beaver section is specially designed for young people aged 6 - 8. Our weekly meetings take place every Tuesday at 18:00 during term time and are packed with fun activities that challenge and inspire everyone.

Our Beavers participate in a range of exciting games including team-building challenges, outdoor woodland adventures and creative crafts that spark imagination and innovation. We encourage our Beavers to develop problem-solving and leadership skills.

Additionally, we provide Beavers with opportunities for overnight sleepovers and weekend camps which encourages leadership and outdoor #SkillsForLife.

Meet our Beaver Leader Team!

Image of Matthew Lofting - Beaver Scout Leader


Beaver Scout Leader

Image of Matthew Lofting - Beaver Scout Leader


Beaver Scout Leader

Image of Chil - Beaver Scout Leader


Beaver Scout Leader

Image of Matthew Lofting - Beaver Scout Leader


Beaver Scout Leader

For over a century, the 14th Bromley Scout Group has been dedicated to helping young Beavers explore the world around them and develop important life skills. Our team of volunteers is made up of passionate and committed individuals who play a vital role in running our weekly Beaver meetings.

We believe that supporting young people is essential, and we welcome any help that you can provide, whether it's volunteering every week, occasionally, or simply making tea on day trips. We appreciate all contributions and recognize the value they bring to our young Beavers and the Bromley community.

If you're interested in signing up your child or volunteering with us, please don't hesitate to email us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our Beaver community, where your child can explore new challenges, make lasting friendships, and develop essential skills for a successful and fulfilling life.

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